party a and b? (go back »)

June 18 2008, 2:20 PM

so yesterday was the first day in history that gay/lesbian people could get married. on june 17, 2008...california made history in being the second state to do this. im not quite sure how i feel about it..i mean im not really for it or against it. I'm a strong Catholic, and we're not suppossed to support it because that's not God's design and all...but does God really care? I haven't ever read a Bible passage referring to this topic so I'm not sure. Doesn't he just want us to love one another? It does describe a man and a woman..but is that because back then gay/lesbians were unheard of way back then? Times have I often wonder, how does God take this? How am I to take it?

Personally, I think gay and lesbian people are amazing. They're absolutley hilarious..and I would honestly miss them if they didn't exist. Is it really a choice, or are they that way naturally? If they're like that naturally, then didn't God make them that way for a reason? I'm so confused on this topic, and as of now I'm undecided how I feel about it. I want to be for it..but I'm not sure if my beliefs agree with it.

What is your take on it? Maybe some guidance will help me choose.

In devious thoughts.


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