
bon voyage!

July 5 2008, 12:20 AM

hey folks! guess where im off to?

MEXICO baby :]

im so excited. i have to wake up at 3:30 am and leave at 5:00 for the airport, sit on a plane for a day and arrive around 7:30 their time. I can't wait to see everything; this is my first time going out of the country. I've never seen clear water before, with my own eyes. You can imagine my excitement.


- See the Mayan Ruins

- Go to a museum

- Go to the beach

- Go shopping

- See churches

- Meet a cutie

I'll tell you all about it when I'm back. What are you all up to this summer??

I'll miss you, make good choices.

Posted in summerland.


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Well this is akward...

July 2 2008, 3:06 AM

so this guy has been talking to me..and flirting with me..and usually thats great and all, but you see..there's a problem

1. he's my friend's ex

2. he's possibly related to me

3. all he wants from me is to make out

wth do i do??!!! this guy is a freakin creep.


Posted in devious thoughts.


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party a and b?

June 18 2008, 2:20 PM

so yesterday was the first day in history that gay/lesbian people could get married. on june 17, 2008...california made history in being the second state to do this. im not quite sure how i feel about it..i mean im not really for it or against it. I'm a strong Catholic, and we're not suppossed to support it because that's not God's design and all...but does God really care? I haven't ever read a Bible passage referring to this topic so I'm not sure. Doesn't he just want us to love one another? It does describe a man and a woman..but is that because back then gay/lesbians were unheard of way back then? Times have I often wonder, how does God take this? How am I to take it?

Personally, I think gay and lesbian people are amazing. They're absolutley hilarious..and I would honestly miss them if they didn't exist. Is it really a choice, or are they that way naturally? If they're like that naturally, then didn't God make them that way for a reason? I'm so confused on this topic, and as of now I'm undecided how I feel about it. I want to be for it..but I'm not sure if my beliefs agree with it.

What is your take on it? Maybe some guidance will help me choose.

Posted in devious thoughts.


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these vagabond shoes...

June 18 2008, 1:43 AM

Hello love...

guess where I just got back from?

New York City!!!

It was amazing. I went with my dance class and we had a workshop with a rockette. We saw Mamma Mia, Stomp, and Mary Poppins. Stomp was amazing! Mary Poppins? Had possessed dancing toys. And statues that weren't quite statuesque. But it was still really great. I mean common, it is Disney. They never fall short of excellence.

We also went to Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, and Ground Zero. Don't forget Radio City Music Hall! I swear, everywhere you go, you can just smell the history. You can feel it all around you. I was in the same city as atleast 100 celebrities and my friend saw Chris Brown at the airport. I wanted to go get my ipod and go up to him like some drooling teenager and point to one of his songs and scream, then hug him, not letting go, then security drags me away..and yeah. You get the picture.


That city has the most colossal buildings known to man. There's so many of them too! The city is rather dirty..but New York has some real beautiful rural areas as well. I'm so glad I went, but I'm reconsidering going there for college. Now I'm thinking rhode island..

That was definatley an awesome tour.


Posted in summerland.


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about me.

June 18 2008, 1:24 AM

heyy guyss :]

im marissa...and im a crazy person. (just a warning)


I'm all about music, I'm all about fashion.
Expressing myself is my true passion.
I love to sing, perform, and dance.
I love to compete whenever I get the chance.
I love to read, I love to explore.
I enjoy skateboarding till my knees are sore.
I love to be with my friends.
I am there for people, when they need to make amends.
I love to party, I love all things new.

I'll live life to its fullest till I am through.


I love to sing.
I love to do my own thing.
I love to dance.
I put others in a trance.
I love to write.
Even if I stay up all night.
I love to design.
I love to create something that is all mine.
I love to perform.
On the stage, watch my soul transform.
Whatever I do, I will put forward my best.
So throw out your challenge, I'm prepared for your test.




Posted in devious thoughts.


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  • Female
  • 15 years old


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Last update Jul 5, 2008