these vagabond shoes... (go back »)

June 18 2008, 1:43 AM

Hello love...

guess where I just got back from?

New York City!!!

It was amazing. I went with my dance class and we had a workshop with a rockette. We saw Mamma Mia, Stomp, and Mary Poppins. Stomp was amazing! Mary Poppins? Had possessed dancing toys. And statues that weren't quite statuesque. But it was still really great. I mean common, it is Disney. They never fall short of excellence.

We also went to Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, and Ground Zero. Don't forget Radio City Music Hall! I swear, everywhere you go, you can just smell the history. You can feel it all around you. I was in the same city as atleast 100 celebrities and my friend saw Chris Brown at the airport. I wanted to go get my ipod and go up to him like some drooling teenager and point to one of his songs and scream, then hug him, not letting go, then security drags me away..and yeah. You get the picture.


That city has the most colossal buildings known to man. There's so many of them too! The city is rather dirty..but New York has some real beautiful rural areas as well. I'm so glad I went, but I'm reconsidering going there for college. Now I'm thinking rhode island..

That was definatley an awesome tour.


In summerland.


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  • 15 years old


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