bon voyage! (go back »)

July 5 2008, 12:20 AM

hey folks! guess where im off to?

MEXICO baby :]

im so excited. i have to wake up at 3:30 am and leave at 5:00 for the airport, sit on a plane for a day and arrive around 7:30 their time. I can't wait to see everything; this is my first time going out of the country. I've never seen clear water before, with my own eyes. You can imagine my excitement.


- See the Mayan Ruins

- Go to a museum

- Go to the beach

- Go shopping

- See churches

- Meet a cutie

I'll tell you all about it when I'm back. What are you all up to this summer??

I'll miss you, make good choices.

In summerland.


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  • 15 years old


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